Is At Home Recording for Beginners or Professional Musicians?

Home Studio

Is at home recording for beginners? Easy answer, right? Let’s break it down. At home recording has come a long way. Previously, there was a disconnect on this subject. All of the professionals were in big luxurious studios with beautiful acoustic anechoic chambers, while others who wished to have chance to compete were stuck at home trying to figure it all out. One of the obvious reasons is money…yes, it does COST to have or even record in a beautiful acoustic anechoic chamber! Also, not many of us have access to even know where one is located nearby. However, the sound that comes out of the professional studio is unmatched like no other.

At home recording, on the other hand, had poor quality and you could definitely tell the difference. If you put them side by side, the at home recording is always missing some element sonic-wise. Today, digital audio workstations have many advanced features that allow you to duplicate that professional sound that you want. But, how would you know how and when to use those features if you are a beginner? That leads me to my answer: at home recording is for professionals! If you are a professional music creator, you could definitely tweak some things at home and get that big studio sound still.

Being Mobile

Today, it is more important than ever to be mobile. This includes in the recording industry as well. Creativity strikes at any given time! It would definitely help if you could carry around a studio in a suitcase and unfold it like at your local carnival and record on the spot. While not quite that dramatic, it could be done with some of the standalones today. New music is coming out daily and to be able to keep up with the competition, you have to be mobile. This is why many of today’s professionals are recording at home instead of in a big studio, saving tons of money.

To be fair, I’m not stating that there is not at home recording for beginners. However, it takes years of practice to be able to duplicate the professional sound! I recorded all of my albums at home! One very important thing that I did in between albums was that I focused on learning new features and different techniques. For example, FX sends, delays, EQing, mixing and mastering. Every album sounded better than the last. After being inside of huge studios and listening to the professionals, I figured out how to match their sound at home. If you have a professional DAW, good studio monitors, a great condenser microphone and a professional audio interface, you could do the same! I usually buy all of my gear from Amazon. You can hear the quality of my sound here!

One response to “Is At Home Recording for Beginners or Professional Musicians?”

  1. […] is so accessible; literally any and everyone could do it. You can read more on that topic in a previous post. Even though today’s music videos are watered down, I feel like there are a few that still carry […]

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